Sometimes it takes a new set of eyes and a fresh perspective to figure things out. We were going ot make this a lot harder than it was by matching wood up on all the sides and joining them with biscuits. Dean came in, took a look and asked why we didn't just come in on the frames and make new strips.

There was a lot of detail work to figure out, especially with the sill that had to be cut, added to, biscuited, glued and clamped to get it to look right. And they had to figure out which pieces could be used and had been used to make up this window frame.

I don't know saws very well, but this bad boy had me drooling! This saw is a nice set up that Dean brought over to make the work go faster. Not wanting to replace the blade, we made sure we found all the nails before we started cutting!!

Once this is sanded, caulked and wood puttied, you will never even be able to tell we made a change. Thank goodness for a new set of eyes and a new perspective! This window looks GREAT!! Thanks Dean. Enjoy the jelly!
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