With the chimney down in Bailey's room, we were able to bleach and clean the ceiling in her room and kilz the spot where the mold had started to grow.
We were also able to remove the old electrical cord, put up the last piece of crown molding and get that caulked and painted.
We put up her ceiling fan/light. It is one of the Reikers we got that has the heating elements in it. We can shut the door at night, set the temperature for the room and know the two little ones will be comfortable...I love these things!!

This in in Bailey's closet. This roof patch seems to be holding too, so the closet is dry. Now it has a ceiling, purple paint with cream woodwork and a cream floor. The old hooks are covered with dress up clothes as is the hanger and we can really start to make this room look nice! Bailey loves her closet and all the shelves and room!
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