Ben took some lessons from Pepere this summer when he was here working on the brick work and is not at all afraid of this weekends project. As we removed the wooden pieces where they had made the access for the foundation work, many more bricks came down.

But by the end of the day on Sunday, they were all back up in place. We used two mortar recipes, one for the inside bricks and the toothpaste one for the outside layer to match the old mortar and avoid damage to the old bricks.

By the end of the weekend, we had a nice rebuilt wall, new vent and some of the tuck pointing completed on that side, under the window... We also made a slight dent in the dirt pile on the side of the house to fill in the hole!

Saturday, Mr. Kemner came by with his tractor and the kids watched in fascination as he raked and then bailed the field to the north. Teddy loved the tractors and Mr Kemner loves Teddy's hugs around his legs!

The kids had to climb up to see how big those bales are...(this was a one time deal as the size of them makes me nervous for playtoys.)

We have 6 round bales in the field now. It looks so much better than the weeds did! Thanks Mr and Mrs Kemner!
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