I was amazed that a storm that made landfall 600 + miles away could do so much damage and still drop so much rain. We did get lucky in that we didn't have any real damage, just a lot of watching, but the water amount is still impressive...
One of our big concerns was that the water from the city would go over the dyke into the water of the 'private lake' which would then contaminate our property...you can see here how close it came to doing just that.
The front yard was like a lake, especially after we built the little damns. Charles was showing off how nice his legs look in the rubber boots in the water...

The stream to the south of the house had filled in most of the 6 or so acres that it sits on. This is the water coming in through the gate that goes to the old barn.

Where it met up with the water that was encroaching on the workshop. This gate leads into the burn pile in back of the barn.
This is the fence that seperates our property from the private lake. Normally, there is no water here at all. Here you can see how high up on the fence it came.

Here is the water line in back of the workshop.With the sump unable to keep up, we made makeshift damns and covers to the remaining holes under the house to try to stop the crawl space from filling up. The water was coming up fast.

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