Painting the inside and outside bathrooms. (Please note both Charles' and my lovely work clothing for the house...old sweats, stained clothes and a wife beater t-shirt...we are styling when working on this old girl...)
And we stripped the hallway floors with lots of 50 grit sandpaper and a belt sander that thankfully has a two year warantee. We found that under the brown paint there is a dark walnut stain on the old floor. I think that it will look really nice with the cool blue gray on the wall in the hallway, so we are going to stain this part dark like it was.
We are using several items that we found on the premise to build the vanity area. The countertop, we purchased at Hood's. The sinks and light fixture were from Lowe's. The faucets were ebay...but the trim, we are reclaiming from stuff not being reused in the house.
The front and back aprons of the vanity were pieces of wood, one was in the barn, the other leaning against it. They have a nice detail in the front of them that we like. The legs were in the barn and we will put on after the floor is done.
This is where we are after this weekend. The laminate countertop burned up on of our saber saws. Then we got out Charles' fathers and it started smoking too. Charles went down to Home Depot to see what could be wrong and they were baffled, but sent him on his way with new blades for the saw and some rotozip blades. Well, the saw started smoking again, so we switched to the rotozip which would go through it, but not without making the sawdust really hot. We ended up drilling holes all over around the remaining circle and then connecting the dots. W got it out, but WOW. Who would have thought it would be so difficult. A return trip to Home Depot may have helped solve the problem and while we love Hood's for many items, the older laminate can, over time, get really hard and difficult to work with...so we will purchase everything but that when we can at Hood's.
So, we have a mirror, light, one sink and the vanity top in and will hopefully get the other sink in soon and then finish the floor...

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