This is the chicks part of the title...we are the proud owners of 23 chicks. The boys cleaned out a stall and then Charles and Seth and Ben spent most of Friday and Saturday enclosing one of the stalls in the barn with chicken wire. We have chicken wire on the sides to the ground. We have beams across the top that are enclosed with chicken wire so the coons and other varmints can't come in through the top. We have chicken wire on the door and even put a beam across the top of the door so that we could have no gaps in our coverage with chickenwire. We have 3 heat lamps hung, two waterers and two feeders in two seperate boxes in the enclosed stall because one set of chicks is about a week oder than the others and will not hurt them until they huddle up at night...at which time, they will smush the little ones. Our goal is eggs for the boys to sell to customers. We are hoping they will learn to save money, care for a product, market, sell etc...I am really hoping I don't end up caring for the girls myself...

Here, Seth is holding an araconda(I'll have to check the spelling on the chicken types...) They are between 1 and 2 weeks of age. These chicks naturally lay eggs that are blue, green and yellow so they are nicknamed easter egg chickens. I am very curious to see their eggs. The 8 chicks we got of this type should average 2 dozen eggs every two days.

Bailey LOVES to hold them and istrying to name them all. In this picture, she is holding an araconda. These guys are getting their feathers already and should be laying eggs in about 4 weeks...

Here they are all huddled in a corner trying to figure out what is going on in their world! Cute though aren't they! Wish us luck.
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