We do know that this used to be a street. We know that because we now own like 7 pieces of land and the land to the south of the house is divided into lots. We don't know if there ever were any houses to the south of our house. We do think that there was at one time, because of the old red barn, chicken coop (or dog kennel) and the second storm cellar. But we do not see any sign of an old foundation... Anyway, the city needs to use our drive to get to the sewer line and they asked if I minded if they scrape it and put down new rock...I suggested that maybe they could use the remaning waste lime as a base and they agreed this might work...so bye bye lime mountain...They then requested that they always have access to the drive and filled in the parking spots for the vehicles so we stay out of their way!! Doesn't it look GREAT!!! Thank you city of Sturgeon.
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