This weekend, quite a bit of time was spent working on the details of the house. This is one of the dining room walls-(for those who have been here, this one is in the dining room, between the kitchen door and the turret). The plaster had fallen away and, at some point, someone had tried to patch it with drywall, which had cracked and was falling away too. So this build up started with the brick wall and took three layers of plaster to get it smoothed out. It is my smoothest plaster job yet and I think it will look pretty good with paint!

The turret is such a beautiful feature but had fallen into quite a bit of disrepair. The outside still needs some wood and flashing work, but inside...I scraped, primed, caulked and painted in this little space for about 6 hours on Saturday. I painted the insets and the ceiling the same color as the wall and WOW, is this space looking good or what??? I still have a lot of touchup to do, but I am surprised by how good it looks. I painted the inset panels under the front window with the darker color too and the details of this room are really standing out. I will finish the touchup this week and paint over the plaster patch and hopefully my new wall hanging will come in. That will leave me with the ceiling in this room which needs some mud and paint. But, that will have to wait until we are done with the scaffolding in the kitchen. The dining room is really looking good!

Seth and Ben were camping with scouts on Saturday, but Sunday they were trying their hand at tuck pointing. Most of the tuck pointing that needs to be done is on the lower 2 feet of the house and they are catching on quickly. They really seem to get into the spirit of this old house and are not intimidated by anything we put in front of them. We are using the lime and sand mixture that matches the original. Well right now, it is really white compared to the old mortar, but it will get dirty soon, I am sure. This time, we used our waste lime pile for sand, so it is a little darker than the first batch. Charles was covering the old vents and doing some mortar and brick repair getting ready for insulation next month.

We started replacing the skim coat that was falling away in Seth and Ben's room today too. They can't wait until we get this done so they can finish painting their room. 'The Lodge' as they are calling it, will be open for business soon.
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