This will, some day, be the master bath. It is a small space, but has all the necessities...a whirlpool tub with shower, potty and sink with storage.
We are going with a neutral tile. They will be on the wall and floor. They are 12 x 24" subway tiles. We will add wainscotting to the lower walls and paint it the same color as the trim in the rest of the house. The tile was purchased at TNT Surplus. The wainscotting was on the rafters in the barn. The sink cabinet was a piece that was painted blue and was in the house. When I get it done, I will post a pic of the before and after. The top of the walls will be painted the same green (a color my sister decided was too dark for her kitchen) that the bedroom is. It should be a really nice room when it is done! I can't wait. I have never had a whirlpool tub before and love to take baths!
As with every project in this crazy old house, we all pitch in to make it work. The boys sure will have a lot of skills when they are done!