Not long after we bought the house, we put a piece of plywood over the entry to this storm cellar. We had briefly looked in and knew it was in good shape and was full of jars. For some reason, this weekend, we decided to venture in - probably because the storm halted us from what we intended to do - which was to make more garden space for next year. This is the entry into the storm cellar. Charles is on the steps, Ben is almost in and Seth has already cleared the spider webs with a stick and ventured inside.
Here is the view of the floor. There are probably a couple hundred jars on the floor in there. Most are canning jars with the lids rusted away, but there are a few odds and ends jars remaining. It will take a while to get these all cleaned up. I need to find a person who knows about these jars to tell me if I should just try to use them or if they have any value.
A view of other side of the floor. I wonder who would leave this house and all these canned goods here? It would seem that after all that effort was made, the jars would have been collected and boxed up when the family moved on. All these jars kind of tie the past to the present as I patiently wait for the tomatoes to turn and put up the peaches with my lips smacking at the thought of the taste of fresh peaches in January pulled off the shelf.
Check out the view looking up. Can you imagine how much time and skill went into this structure. It is a thing of beauty really. We hope to get it cleaned out and fix the stairs. We will probably use it for the same purpose it was meant for. It will once again be a place to go if dangerous weather approaches and it will be the perfect place to store our wine and canned goods from our harvest.