Unfortunately, the chimmneys on the house have not been maintained at all. You can see where this leaning tower has had an attempt made on it's life with some concrete, but it did not hold. Charles said that he could rock this chimmney back and forth with his hand, but ws afraid that when it came down, it would damage the house. So, it came down brick by brick

by brick.......

lower still.....

until it was all the way down to the ceiling in the bedroom. With no fireplaces in the home, losing them is just an asthetic thing...no harm done to the house at all.
There was some rotten wood, a joist to be scabbed on to, plywood to be replaced, new tar paper and finally new shingles. Whew. I stood on the ground holding my breath while Charles teetered up there for several hours getting the job done...

He got it done! One down two to go. Bailey's room is now ready to be completed with no more roof leaks to deal with.