But, walls are getting plastered. Steve, who does masonry work on the side, gave us his top secret recipe for plaster and, IT WORKS!! It does come out gray, but does not crack, has a little work time and is fairly easy to get smooth!!! I am getting better with every application, so hopefully when I get to the stair wall, it will look awesome! This wall had to come down to the brick in the family room. We got one of the ceiling fans up and have started painting this room. I also got a coat of polyurethane on the floor. We decided not to strip the floors now, because we kind of like the character of the old stain.
Seth has developed a love/hate relationship with drywall. He has gotten really good at putting the stuff up. We finished putting up drywall in the kitchen this weekend.
Ben is learning how to get drywall mud on the wall with as little sanding needed as possible. Here he is mudding in the kitchen where the pantry cabinet will go.
If you look in back of the fridge, you can see where we decided to put in a built in for a bar like area. It is also part of the support for my tub upstairs.
This afternoon, Ben repainted the black diamonds on the floor of the downstairs bathroom. He got pretty fast at it before he was done and is proud of his work. Tomorrow, he will get the white ones done.
And before we left, Charles put together one of the kitchen cabinets. Aren't they pretty! I don't know how well the rope detail shows up in this picture, but they will really nice. Hopefully, we will be able to install them tomorrow before we come back to the house...
We don't have the floor tile or the countertops figured out yet, but the cabinets sure will be pretty!!!